Pest Blog

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Friday, March 9, 2018

Right now, as we're heading into Spring, the number 1 pest we're seeing throught the Treasure Valley is the Odorous House Ant (OHA). 

Prior to Winter, this small black Ant may  have moved it’s nest into exterior walls of buildings. Their nests can be found around plumbing where hot water pipes emit warmth. Like most pests, winter also decreases the OHA's food sources, so whether they are being drawn inside for warmth, or managing its dwindling food sources, the Odorous House Ant will find its way into places like bath and kitchen walls.

Regrettably, OHA's are a difficult pest to eliminate. You'll probably need professional help. Non-specific insecticides don't work and store-bought products won't eliminate this pest. Many of our customers have called us after trying these products.

If you're finding these small Ants in your home or building this time of year, give us a call. We can quickly identify them and get you started 


Posted by philc at 3/9/2018 10:17:00 PM
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Summer is approaching and you know what that means - the pests will be knocking on your door soon.

I’m not talking bugs here. I mean the summertime door-knocking Pest Control sales people. These pests are usually young College students looking to earn some money during the summer  months. They pull on your heart strings to help them out by switching from your current Pest Control company to theirs.

The problem is that these pests promise a lot of things their company can’t and won’t deliver on. When you realize this though, it’ too late, you’ve already committed to a 1 or 2 year contract.

Here at Custom Care Pest Services we never door knock residences. Your home is your escape from the world and we respect that. We don’t make promises we can’t deliver on and we never have contracts. We have to earn your business each time we’re out to your home.

So before you help out one of these young college students, consider the fact that you will committed to their Pest Control company long after they’re back at the dorms.

Posted by philc at 6/7/2014 3:15:00 PM
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