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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Now is the time for a Pest Barrier



As our evening temperatures start to approach freezing, the natural instinct of insects will be to find a place to survive the upcoming winter. They will seek out the smallest of openings on our homes to move into the crawl space, exterior cracks and crevices, inside the exterior walls, the attic and garage. 


Without a preventative Spider / Pest Barrier applied to your home, these insects could emerge into your home all winter long or at the least in the spring time.


The main pests that are trying to move in are:


Box Elder Bugs

Clover Mites 

Cluster Flies

Elm Seed Bugs 

Sage Bugs


Wasp, Hornets and Yellow Jackets


Wether you plan to do it yourself or hire a professional, now is the time.


If you plan on do it yourself, understand that you need to put out plenty of product (several gallons) onto and around the perimeter of your house.

Posted by philc at 10/9/2013 7:28:00 PM
 Tags: Spider Pest Barrier
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