Pest Blog

Tune into the Custom Care Pest Blog for the latest information about pest control in Southwestern Idaho.

The Mice are just trying to get warm!

With each season change here in the Treasure Valley, the pest problems change too.  We’re just finishing up with the fall Spider calls and without pause, the mouse calls have begun.

From all indications so far, mouse calls will be high this year. With colder air coming, mice will be looking for warmer places to nest.

Here are some helpful hints for you to consider for reducing mouse activity in and around your home.

1) Inspect the exterior foundation of your home. You want to look for any entrances, like holes or small spaces.  A mouse can enter through much smaller openings than most people consider so here's a good rule-of-thumb:  if a #2 pencil can fit through the hole or space,  so can a mouse. If you find any openings, seal them up. I don’t recommend using expanda-foam, since mice easily chew through the foam. We suggest using Copper Mesh or steel wool. 

2) Check exterior doors--especially the garage door---for access points.  Install weather stripping or door sweeps to block entrances.

3) Since Mice feel more comfortable in an environment where they can move from place to place hidden from their predators, it helps to reduce debris around the perimeter of your house.

Those are a few of the most common tips for blocking mice from entering your home. 

As always, if you have any questions or need our services to help you with mice or any pest problem, give us a call.  We're here to help. 

Thanks to all our great customers!


Posted by philc at 11/12/2014 3:09:00 PM
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